
Tap Shoes
are permitted in ALL Tapquest Categories except the drama categories:
*scripted scene
Sorry no independent entries.
The maximum set up time for props is 30 seconds.
Time Limits
Solos (1 dancer) 3 minutes
Duos/Trios (2-3 dancers) 3 minutes
Small Troupe (4-10 dancers) 4 minutes
Large Troupe/Line (11+ dancers) 5 minutes

Stage routines do not lip sync
Musical Theatre routines highlight lip syncing
Apprentice (for Recreational dancers in Festival Formatting)
The recreational/apprentice division is suited for dancers who dance at the recreational level. Recreational categories are not ranked 1st, 2nd, 3rd, but will be awarded a medal of achievement, the focus of the recreational division is on FUN.
The pre-competitive division is for dancers looking for a performance category above recreational and festival formatting but below the standard competitive division. Dancers in this category typically dance as a hobby sport but may also do other activities such as soccer. These dancers often have a few years of experience, they are above the recreational level but do not dance as seriously as the full company competitive dancers or perhaps they started dancing a little later.
*All dancers are permitted to 'dance up' into the competitive division as desired.
This is the standard competitive division as defined by age. This category will compete against other dancers of the same age category. Dancers in this division are competitive dancers training multiple hours. Large categories in the competitive division will be divided into smaller groupings. This division qualifies for the Provincial Finals.
Newbies 5-6
Recruits 7-8yrs
Agents 9-10yrs
Mid-Squads 11-12yrs
Captains 13-14yrs
Producers 15-16yrs
Directors 17-19yrs
Young-Adults 20-24yrs
Adults 25-39yrs
Legends 40yrs+
Age Divisions

Performed with tap shoes. This routine focusses on musicality and style.
An entertaining routine, sometimes with props. No lip syncing. STAGE routines are focussed on entertainment, they often have staging and props, there is a focus on production quality and entertainment but it does NOT include lip syncing. For example we may see a Bob Fosse style "Rich Man's Frug" routine or a Rockette style "All that Jazz" show theatre routine in this category.
MUSICAL THEATRE routines are focussed on entertainment through lip syncing. The lip syncing is the main focus of this routine and the quality of the lip syncing will also be judged. If more than 10% of your routine has lip syncing, it should be in the Musical Theatre category.
A routine comprised of singing and dancing, pre-recorded vocals are not permitted.
Solo spoken scene with no music, the intention of the scene is a focus on acting/drama.
Duo/trio or group scripted acting scene with no music where the focus of the presentation is on acting/drama.
A self-choreographed routine. The high score student choreography will be invited for a Demo Reel filming.